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My Rocket Crashed On Unknown Planet! | Subnautica #1

Player 1

Player 2

What is Subnautica

A video game called Subnautica takes place underwater on a distant ocean planet. You are about to enter a vast, open world filled with danger and wonder. Dive Deep and Explore a Big Underwater World. The only way out is down because you've crashed-landed on an alien watery world. Oceans in Subnautica range from sun-drenched shallow coral reefs to perilous deep-sea trenches, lava plains, and bioluminescent underwater rivers. While exploring kelp forests, plateaus, reefs, and meandering cave systems, keep an eye on your oxygen supply. Life is abundant in the water, some of it beneficial and most of it destructive. Gather, Create, and Survive. The time to locate water, food, and to create the tools you need to explore is running out after you crash land in your Life Pod.

what happend In this Episode?

Here we first start our game (Subnautica) and in intro a guy from letter comes down to survive aurora crashes caused by alien gun and than a massive burst occurs in aurora main base then our main character thankfully survived a aurora crash with help of lifepod 5 but unfortunately only we survived not a single member i created sea guide that helps explore faster and scanner tool (Most important tool in subnautica) the rest of game i played in episode 2

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